Chickens are the most consumed animal in the United Kingdom with approximately 1.12 billion bred each year. Most flesh is produced from broiler chickens with the remainder coming from egg laying hens that are no longer considered profitable.
Factory farmed chickens
Free range chickens
Organic chickens
Natural life expectancy
Farming Practices

Unsuitable Shed Density
Chickens are packed into sheds at a rate of up to 19 birds per square meter of space
In British farming

Indoor Rearing
Birds live their whole lives in sheds with no outdoor access or natural lighting
In British farming

Fast Growing Breeds
Chickens are selectively bred to grow at two to four times their natural rate leading to health issues
In British farming

Fast growing birds that can't move perish because they are unable to access food and water
In British farming

Foot Rot
Birds feet and legs are burnt by faeces that build up on the uncleaned shed floors
In British farming

Heart and Circulation Failure
Pressure on birds bodies from fast growth leads to heart failure and death
In British farming

Unsuitable Flock Size
Birds cannot exhibit their natural "pecking order" behaviour because flock sizes are too large
In British farming

No Water Access
Semiaquatic ducks with no access to surface water are unable to express their natural behaviours
In British farming

Early Deaths
Birds die before being sent to slaughter because of the low welfare conditions they are raised in
In British farming
Other Animals

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